• Thu. Sep 12th, 2024

Pete Davidson’s Regret: $280,100 Staten Island Ferry Purchase Sparks Hilarious Remorse

Jun 7, 2023
Staten Island Ferry - Pete Davidson's Regret

“Pete Davidson’s regret is palpable after impulsively buying a decommissioned Staten Island ferry alongside his co-star Colin Jost. The duo, accompanied by comedy club owner Paul Italia, acquired the vessel during a New York auction in January 2022. However, Davidson now expresses uncertainty about the fate of their purchase and humorously suggests that he hopes it transforms into something else to alleviate the financial burden. Let’s delve into the story and explore the details behind this unexpected acquisition.”

A Grand Vision for the Comedy Club Transformation

Davidson, Jost, and Italia initially conceived a grand plan to transform the decommissioned Staten Island ferry into New York City’s hottest club. The trio seized the opportunity when the ferry was put up for auction by New York City’s Department of Citywide Administrative Services, successfully securing it for a sum of $280,100. However, Davidson openly admitted that both he and Jost were under the influence when they made this impulsive decision.

Unveiling the Purchase

During a red-carpet event, Davidson shared the surprising news with the public, highlighting their state of mind during the auction. Playfully confessing to their intoxicated state, he humorously referred to the ferry as the “windowless van of the sea.” Jost chimed in, displaying his excitement for the venture and suggesting that they had thought through the entire plan.

Jost took the decommissioned Staten Island ferry for a joyride.

Jost took the decommissioned Staten Island ferry for a joyride.
Jost took the decommissioned Staten Island ferry for a joyride.

In April 2022, Colin Jost took the reins of their acquired ferry, embarking on an adventurous joyride. Departing from the St. George Ferry Terminal, Jost set sail on the Staten Island ferry for the first time since its purchase. Reflecting on his memories of commuting to high school on this very vessel, Jost expressed a mix of nostalgia and excitement. He even had his 96-year-old grandpa join him as they towed the ferry to its temporary location.

Pete Davidson’s Regret

Pete Davidson's Regret

Recently, in an interview with Entertainment Tonight, Davidson openly shared his regrets about the purchase. When asked about hosting an after-party on the ferry following the premiere of “Transformers: Rise of the Beasts,” Davidson expressed uncertainty about the current status of their unusual possession. He humorously remarked, “Hopefully it turns into a Transformer and gets the f— out of there, so I can stop paying for it!” This candid statement highlights Davidson’s remorse and his desire to alleviate the financial burden associated with the ferry.

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The impulsive purchase of a decommissioned Staten Island ferry by Pete Davidson and Colin Jost has turned into a source of regret for the former “Saturday Night Live” star. What initially seemed like an exciting venture to transform the vessel into New York City’s hottest club has now become a financial burden. Despite their under-the-influence decision-making at the auction, Davidson and Jost took pride in their purchase. However, Davidson’s recent remarks reflect his uncertainty about the ferry’s fate and his hope for a convenient resolution. Only time will tell if this extravagant purchase will ultimately become a lucrative investment or a comical anecdote in the lives of these two talented comedians.